Caring Promise: Recognizing Senior Advocates

Empowering Seniors & Families Through Life's Transitions

Welcome to Dedicated to acknowledging professionals supporting seniors in life transitions. Get practical tips, inspiring stories, and reliable resources. Our mission is to discover and acknowledge excellence in senior services featuring gifted professionals who help you navigate with confidence.

A major stressor for seniors is downsizing and moving to a smaller, more manageable space. A lifetime of possessions often define us, and letting go can be difficult. Sometimes letting go keeps us in our homes and more independent. Many stories here focus on practical advice surrounding this right of passage. 

Some stories feature national advocates and solutions, with a  focus on the network of trusted professionals in the Chicago metropolitan area. Small business owners and individuals who are already making a difference for seniors every day.

Facing aging challenges is never easy, but with the support and advice of experienced professionals, the stress can be immensely reduced.

We hope to help! Thanks for visiting.

Mary Beth Radeck, Editor

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